Actually, that was pretty much the only thing he said, but he managed to do it in many and varied ways, always with an enthusiasm normally only seen from coke fiends on a four day jag.
This guru clearly provides sage advice in any era but it's especially profound given today's economic climate.
I see you cringing. "Steve!", you exclaim. "Don Lapre is a has-been and when he did have a TV presence on those 3am Making Money infomercials in the 90's, he was a transparently cartoonish huckster. His utterances were pure nonsense."
And don't forget his good works in the 21st century: "Greatest Vitamin in the World!" They were some pretty good vitamins, I hear (better even than Flintstone Chewables or - dare I say - Lucy's Vitameatavegamin).
Mr. Lapre is a man whose time has finally come. Two dimensional (really, closer to 1 1/2 dimensions) and so cartoonish he makes Roger Rabbit seem like Edward R. Murrow. A guy whose catchphrases - indeed, almost everything he has said or written, including the contents of his Making Money package - are filled with more mumbo jumbo than Alice through the Looking Glass.
And I know: I bought Making Money back in 1998. I did it not so I could make money for myself - it was clear it wouldn't be much help there - but to help Don make money. It was the Pet Rock of Get Rich Quick schemes, minus the rock. It was magnificence unbounded - truly a sight to behold. Mainly, I did it out of curiosity and I was most definitely not disappointed.

I say let's welcome Treasury Secretary Don Lapre to the cabinet.