Sunday morning. Hillary's sending Lil' Kim to bed without supper, wheels of fire end on the Champs-Elysees, and I'm catching up with Nati Shalom (check out his post on leadership versus management, adding Tribes to my reading list).
Speaking of Scarlett Johansson - and if we weren't, why not? Also, speaking of Neve Campbell and Mary Louise Parker ... Anyway, concerning Ms. Johansson, I see she's teaming with Robert Downey, Jr. (he of many second acts in life and one of my favorite actors) in Iron Man 2. I wasn't necessarily a fan of the first (not because it wasn't mildly entertaining - it was - just that special effects laden movies aren't my cup of tea) but I'll be queuing up for the sequel for sure. Go ScarJo as Black Widow. Now I just need to arrange to get my holy trinity of babaliciousnous into a movie together: ScarJo, NevBell, and MarLoPar. Calling Harvey Weinstein ...
Anyway, I'm heading to the tennis courts for the first time in the 21st century in a few minutes. It's just like riding a bike, right Lance? The form of yore will kick in with the sense memory. Just have to dig the ol' wooden racket out of the closet, grab some extra fishing line in case I snap a string, climb into the Chuck Talyors and tighty whities and I'm prepped for combat. More to follow, I'm sure ...
Frank Black – 1/26/25 at Metro
4 weeks ago
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